In this 90-minute webinar, I will show you the secrets that guarantee you will multiply your revenue with less time and effort.

Join me on October 4th

In this 90-minute webinar, I will show you the secrets that guarantee you will multiply your revenue with less time and effort.

Enhancing your coaching business is closer than you can imagine! You may be asking yourself...

" How did Jay Shetty, Tony Robins, Dave Ramsey, Lisa Nichols, and John Maxwell level up and explode their business?"

Here’s the truth: While everyone else was focused on creating courses, these iconic game changers leveraged the secret of how to 10x their REACH and REVENUE through a profitable certification program.




Is This Webinar For Me

And My Business…??

Yes! This FREE Webinar is for you, especially if you…

  • Are sick and tired of trading your limited time for money in order to grow your business… and feeling the burnout from the constant grind day-in and day-out.

  • Want to build a REAL thriving business that grows your Revenue, Reach, and Reputation faster by leveraging the power, passion, and perspective of others.

  • Want to make money while you sleep with a certification program so you can enjoy spending more time with family and friends… without the stress of constantly working in your business to keep it running.

If that all sounds too good to be true, then join the webinar for FREE and I'll show you how to 10X your Reach and Revenue!

“Why Is This Webinar

Important Right Now?”

The Top 1% of coaches know something you don't. They have mastered the ability to 10x their business using strategies that most coached have never even explored.

You're probably like most of the coaches, content creators, and consultants I know and you struggle with the reality of big ambition and low capacity. You desire more and want to grow to the next level, but fear it will also require more time and effort when you already feel you are at capacity.

In your heart you know, "There must be a better way!"

Trust me, I’ve been there. I haven’t always been America’s Certification Coach


Earlier in my career, I was a world-renowned coach with multiple graduate degrees and best selling books, but after I discovered this process that grew my rates by over 9,000%, I realized I had found a better way and I never looked back.

You too CAN join the 1%.

I have met dozens of gifted, experienced business owners who are working too hard for too little. Does this sound like you?

Have you reached a level of success and from the outside looking in, your life and business seems perfect. But deep down you know there is a next level calling and you are hesitant to take the leap because you haven't found the right strategy to exponentially grow with ease.

Or, perhaps you are like the hundreds of coaches I've met who are discouraged and depleted from trading their limited time for money in order to grow their business. Are you experiencing burnout from the day to day grind and feeling dissatisfied and disappointed with your current business bottom line?

If either is true, it’s time to level up!!! And I can show you how.

The same secret I learned from years of research and working with industry leaders is what I want to teach you. With my insights, you can 10x your REACH and REVENUE by developing a profitable program that will help you experience exponential growth.

“I want to grow, but I feel OVERWHELMED”

“I want to make more money, but where will I find the time?”

“Why am I working so hard, but making so little progress?”

If you have ever said these sentences, then this free webinar is for you!

There is a BETTER path to life-changing revenue and fulfillment.

I’m ready to show you how to get there!!!

Are you, like most coaches, creators, and speakers, feeling discouraged from marginal gains? I learned the hard way that success shouldn't have to come at the price of my well-being.

Imagine achieving 10x growth without compromising your relationships, health, or sanity.

What If You Could Grow Your Business Exponentially Without the Strain?

With my help, you can say goodbye to outdated linear growth methods. The old way is done. My leveraged business model will change the way you do work…Today's winners like Uber and Chick-Fil-A have mastered how to experience exponential growth through leveraged business models.

For speakers, coaches, course creators, and experts, the power of leverage can't be ignored. It's time to break free from the past and embrace what's working RIGHT NOW to catapult your business!

Claim your spot today, and let's pave your path to a business explosion through a profitable program that exposes all the secrets the top 1% of coaches don’t want you to know.

These Thought Leaders Have Leveraged a Certification Program To Quantum Leap Their Business...

Jay Shetty

Dave Ramsey

Marie Kondo

Tony Robbins

Lisa Nichols

And YOU Can Too!

For the last 2.5 Years I Have Helped John Maxwell Grow His Certification Program to over 48,000+ Team Members!!!

This webinar will show you how to create your very own tribe of certified ambassadors to explode your business!

‘Your Business Blueprint for Exponential Growth’

Reach More, Make More Webinar

Lethia Owens, CSP

Lethia Owens, affectionately known as America’s Certification Coach, is a master strategist.

She is ranked #8 among the World’s Top 30 Brand Gurus and is the author of Your Brand Influence.

John Maxwell (Maxwell Leadership) and Marcia Wieder (Dream University) have asked her to help with their certification programs.

She and her clients have collectively earned over $240 Million in combined revenue using this proven business blueprint.

For Speakers, Coaches, Course Creators, & Experts Who Are Feeling “The Burnout”…

Your Business Blueprint for Exponential Growth

Reignite your passion, purpose, and time freedom… establish an efficient leveraged system… and learn the new way to 10x your business growth in today’s marketing landscape!

Copyright © 2023 Game Changers International